News & Events
Develop Connection | Discover Your Passion
This autumn, we are offering 2x/month classes for Women's Wellness Wednesdays! A way to relax & renew with gentle yoga and mindful meditation in the presence of horses. Immerse yourself in a nature-based experience with Seahorse Stable's wonderful herd. You deserve it.
Our first session will include a sequence around the upcoming Harvest Full Moon through intentional asanas and a grounding meditation as we explore themes of reflection and gratitude. Join us to honor your growth and achievements, and to set the stage for new intentions as we transition into the autumn season.

Join us for High Tea with Horses, a special Mother's Day celebration hosted by Seahorse Stables, benefiting non-profit I AM HERD.
Founder of I AM HERD, Mary Miller-Jordan and her wild horse partner, Mustang Magic, will be sharing a visual story telling and teaching on loving one another, through more consciously loving our own inner child within. The more open we become to unconditionally loving, gently holding and truly helping our own inner child, the better we can love, hold and help our own children.
As a mother of three young daughters, Mary understands the emotions, struggles and deep joy that comes with this role. And she experiences deep synchronicity with being a Mother and being a wild horse trainer. Mary is always learning from the wild horses, learning how to tune into their natural language of nature, this language that is the first language of our children, and ourselves.
It is a language of vibration, of energy, of inner song, a language of " Being that which we wish to See " ... the "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality is dissolving with the birthing of a generation of children that will settle for non-less than our own inner dedication to our own inner process.
For us. For them. And for our great great great grandchildren.
Gentle. Loving. Rejuvenating. And real. That is what our evening will be.
High Tea with the Horses.
*for Mothers and their families
(*anyone who is a caretaker of another being and identifies as a 'Mother' - this is for you. And that 'other being' is also our very own inner self. We are ALL Mothers to our inner child. All are welcome to share in the evening event.)
Hosted by Seahorse Stables
Benefiting non-profit I AM HERD Mustang Sanctuary
May 7th, 2022
4-7 pm
(raindate May 8th)
Seahorse Stables
1280 Hill Valley Walk
Wilmington, NC 28412
$75 - Adults
$25 - Children 12 & Under
$250 - Table for 6
About I AM HERD:
I AM HERD is a non-profit sanctuary, home to 25 magical wild Mustangs and ponies and situated on 35 acres in southeastern NC (35 minutes from downtown Wilmington, NC) Providing sanctuary for wild horses that were unable to fit into the confines of domestication, and home to Mustangs that are 'wildly gentle' and love going out into the world and share their peace through our herd-assisted enrichment programs, where we travel to the backyards of schools through partnership with non-profit Communities in Schools.
Meet the herd here -->
Spring 2022 Session of Saddle Club
Now enrolling for our spring session of Saddle Club! Children ages 6-12 are invited to join us. No riding experience necessary.
Saddle Club meets on Saturday mornings from 9:00am-12:00pm. We'll meet rain or shine on the following days: Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 16.
Cost: $180 for all 3 sessions